Quick Learnings
Cutting Cords
As we move through our lives — growing, learning, evolving — we must necessarily let go of that which no longer serves us.
Invoking crystal devas
Crystals are formed over millions of years and appear in all colors, shapes and sizes on planets all over the cosmos, not just on Planet Earth.
Guided Meditations
Guided meditation is a state of relaxed concentration invoked and led by a guide. It can be a yoga instructor, a religious guide,...
Aura Cleansing
What is an Aura?
Aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people, animals, and things. Auras are all...
Psychic Self-Defense
In this world today there are many physical and non-physical energies that are searching for energy source to attach to for...
Chakra Balancing
The chakras are subtle energy centres that are aligned with the Central channel (Sushumnānāḍī) of the Kunḍalinī system. There are...
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or...
Homa is a Sanskrit word used here as a synonym for Yajnya. Yajnas is the technicalterm from the Vedic science of bioenergy for the...
Herb Magick
Magic has been defined as "the science and art of causing changes to occur in conformity withwill." What this means isthat conflict occurs...
Esoteric Toning
Toning is the process of vibrating sounds and tones (musical and spoken) to assist the healing process. It is cleansing...
Candle Magick
The popularity of candles has reached an all-time high. Candles are used by folks from all walks of life for relaxation, meditation...
Solar Healing
Hira Ratan Manek, 85, the man who survived on solar energy for years, had converted his body into a laboratory to successfully prove...
Automatic writing, also known as psychography, is the practice of tapping into a deep source of wisdom within you outside of...
Mantra Healing & Chanting
A mantra is a way to interrupt the natural tendencies of the mind to achieve peace, healing, and harmony. So a mantra is...
Cosmic Healing
The whole cosmos is within us. We have to only nurture our mind to store this energy. If we can concentrate and store this energy,...
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s...
Ancestral Healing
The origin of ancestral healing is innate to the human experience and our cultural belonging. It is inherent to all of us.
Creating Sacred Space
Everything in the universe is composed of constantly changing energy, including your home and its contents. This energy can...
Pendulum Dowsing
One of the most commonly used tools for divination and dowsing is a pendulum. The art of using a pendulum is something that...
Healing with Elements
All cultures across the world have some form of symbolism related to the four elements – fire, water, air, and earth. It’s widely...