Pendulum Dowsing
One of the most commonly used tools for divination and dowsing is a pendulum. The art of using a pendulum is something that anyone can learn and master, and enjoy experimenting with. Here we offer an introduction to using a pendulum, from how it works, and what you need, to how to get started.
What Is a Pendulum?
A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that is hung from a single chain or cord. It’s never made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. It’s also possible to use objects such as a favourite trinket, a bead, a metal ball or even a key. The pendulum is a very simple tool and one that lets the user tune in to their intuitive powers. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves in different ways in response to questions.
Pendulum dowsing can be used in a variety of different ways. In its most simple form, you can use it to answer questions or aid in decision making.
Pendulums can also be used for:
Healing purposes and identifying allergies.
To cleanse and dispel negativity in a room.
To help you find lost objects or pets.
To identify chakra imbalances.
And more….
How Does Pendulum Dowsing Work?
A pendulum works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense. The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, from your higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, you gain answers in response to questions – it is best suited to use to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Some people describe the way a pendulum works as being like bringing together the rational and intuitive sides of you (the left and right sides of your brain). When these two elements are brought together, you’re able to make decisions using all the sources, rather than just one of them.
Many people wonder where the answers come from and debate whether it’s really working, or just the pendulum responding to the movement of the user’s hand. Whilst the pendulum can certainly be made to move with your hand movements, this isn’t the case always and after practice you’ll get to see why. As with any form of divination, using a pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, belief and a decidedly open mind, as the answers come from your intuition and from higher spiritual guides.
What If My Pendulum Doesn’t Work?
There are some instances where your pendulum might not work, or you get the wrong responses to questions. This could be for several reasons: * You may have wrongly interpreted the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ movements of your pendulum.Â
• If you are tried, agitated, emotional or feeling off colour, it may not work properly.Â
• If you’re not relaxed enough or feeling negative.Â
• You may be too close to electrical equipment or equipment with high frequencies, which could affect your pendulum.
• You’ve not phrased your questions properly – they need to be simple and specific.Â
• You’re not concentrating enough – sometimes you have to wait a while for the answer to come through.Â
• You may need to try using a different pendulum, as it might not be compatible with your energy.Â
The main thing to remember is to relax, keep trying and have an open mind. The more you practice, the better your pendulum skills will become and you should be able to get good results.