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About Me



Inner transformation is a journey all the way with its own set of upheavals. There’s no destination but the journey itself is quite enjoyable. I embarked on this journey around 15 years back. Nothing was easy but I kept moving forward on the path and was guided and protected by my Angles, Divine Beings of light, Spirit allies and Lord Shiva.

I always trusted the higher forces. My training in various eastern and western healing modalities was just an extension of the transformation which was in process. Yes, training helped me in grounding myself, understanding energy work and it also gave me a platform to extend a helping hand to those in need.

As I said earlier, transformation is an ongoing process. The healing work that I did, helped me understand, experience and explore “energy work” so much differently .

Reiki, Meditation, Crystal Therapy, Mantra Healing, Homatherapy, Aromatherapy, Channeling, Tarot, Angel Therapy, various energy modalities, Divination tools and several spiritual practices were just the tools to dive into the unexplored realm. My initiation on the Shamanic Path changed the ‘Being’ in me and my relationship with everything around me. This path unfolded the ‘sacredness’. Ceremonies, rituals were ways to connect with the magic that was already around. Shamanism gave me an entirely new dimension to my healing work. A new door opened and through this I got an opportunity to travel parallel universes. Non-ordinary reality seemed real! Since then, I’m never alone always surrounded with so many spirit allies. Yes, my relationship with them is a sacred one and I completely honour their presence in my life. ­­The Beings of Light,Masters,Archangels, my Gurus and Lord Shiva constantly guides me, supports me and protects me. Transformation is still in process through so many ways, and I am embracing ‘new me’ every now and then. It is because of this reason that there are always so many changes in my programs, training methodology and in ways of healing. As this transformation goes on, I will surely find new ways and means to serve you all. In all my programs the only constant thing is – CHANGE. So, there will always be a room for surprise. Whenever you will connect with me, there’ll be a reason! So, don’t question the process. Trust it and be patient! With me, you’ll embark on the longest journey – From your head to heart.

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