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Invoking crystal devas

Crystals are formed over millions of years and appear in all colors, shapes and sizes on planets all over the cosmos, not just on Planet Earth. They each have a unique and individual energy and vibration that can be used to heal, transmute, transform and protect the body. Not only the physical body, but the emotional, mental and etheric bodies also.

We are only just discovering their true potential here on Planet Earth. They are indeed Mother Earth’s gift to us at this time of transformation. Their energy can be channelled so its not necessary to have a particular crystal with you in order to use it. The powerful energy of crystals and their high vibration can be used as portals between the dimensions helping to raise our vibration and awareness into the higher levels of existence. This energy can also be used as a bridge to connect to our Higher Self.

The Crystal Kingdom is guarded by a group of Beings known as the Crystal Devas. The Devas oversee crystal deposits on Planet Earth as well as in other realms. Crystals of a specific type share an overall consciousness, which could be called a deva,. Talking to the crystal Deva helps you to cooperate together, expressed through your work with an individual crystal from that particular crystal family. 

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