Cosmic Healing
The whole cosmos is within us. We have to only nurture our mind to store this energy. If we can concentrate and store this energy, it can catapult itself into a huge kinetic cosmic energy which can remove clogging from our vascular system, improve blood circulation and generate positive energy in us. This cosmic energy can play an anti-oxidant and help us reduce stress and depression. We have to open the window of our soul to see it. Sun is the king of the solar system. It is holding the Earth like a kite is held by a string. Sun and Earth have an electromagnetic attraction. This electromagnetic field can help us control the disharmony of our human system. The entire Universe and everything that you see on this planet is made up of cosmic energy.
Everything that you see in this Universe is made up atoms. For instance - our physical body is made up of ~40 trillion cells and each cell has ~1 trillion molecules and in turn the molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms are ridiculously small - they're about one tenth of a millionth of a millimetre across. Put another way, there are more atoms in a glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans of the world. However, with advancement in quantum physics – scientists have now realized that the empty space inside the atom is not actually empty and there are electro-magnetic waves inside what was earlier perceived to be empty space. This electro-magnetic energy is also called as cosmic energy. Cosmic Energy particles are filled inside each atom. Hence, the entire Universe is made-up of this cosmic energy as 99.99% space within each atom comprises of these cosmic energy particles. These cosmic energy particles cannot be seen or perceived by any of the 5 senses. However, everything that exists on this planet – humans, animals, plants, water, air, fire, earth etc are essentially made up of these cosmic energy particles. These cosmic energy particles are also referred to as ether in ancient Indian spiritual texts.
Cosmic energy is super powerful and can manifest anything and everything. It is super intelligent with the power of infinite super computers. It is formless and can take any form. It is permanent and indestructible. It is pure unconditional love. It is pure vitality and health. It is pure joy and fun. It is pure bliss. It is abundance. It is pure consciousness and is aware of everything that is happening within the Universe. It is infinite and ever expanding. Some call this energy Divinity or Divine Energy. Some others call it God. Some call it a Super Power. Some refer it to as Super Intelligence. All of us are a part of this Divine Energy and are made up of it. Humans are to Cosmic Energy what cells are to a human body. Each cell is an independent entity. However, it actively engages with other cells of the body to make up the entire body. The cell may not be aware that it is part of a bigger system i.e. a physical body. Likewise, we may not be aware that we are part of this Supreme Energy. However, we are made up of this Supreme Intelligence and possess all the characteristics of this Super Power since 99.99% each atom of our being consists of millions of cosmic energy particles.
The Cosmic Energy is present everywhere and is completely aware of our conscious and sub-conscious beliefs and thoughts. The Divine Energy is a super power that manifests our beliefs. It is neutral and does not judge. Nothing is good and nothing is bad for the Cosmic Energy. It is neutral. Humans prefer the emotions of joy and happiness over pain. Hence, we constantly work towards avoiding life situations where we fear we might get hurt physically, mentally and emotionally. However, the Cosmic Energy does not have any such preferences. For the Super Power joy is an emotion as is pain. It does not value or prefer one emotion over another. The Cosmic Energy just manifests our beliefs (conscious and sub-conscious) into reality. In other words, the Super Intelligence weaves and creates life situations for us to experience our own beliefs. Most of us experience similar life situations and patterns repeating in our lives. Some people continuously feel cheated by others. Some of us experience repeated cycles of sickness. Some of us experience a string of broken romantic relationships. Some others constantly experience failures in business / career. This is because the Super Power is constantly manifesting our beliefs in the form of different life situations for us to experience our own beliefs.
By connecting with the cosmic flow of energy, you can tap into a constant source of energy, abundance, and creativity.
The easiest way to do this is to envision a grounding cord springing down through your seat, flowing down through the floor into the ground, and connecting it with the Earth’s centre’s you start to feel that connection, breathe into it, allowing the Earth’s energy to come back through the same connection you just made. Flowing up through your feet, your legs, your abdomen, heart, arms, neck, and all the way through the top of your head.
Allow this beam of energy to spew out of the top of your head like a waterfall. Envision this waterfall of energy returning back into the Earth. This easy visualization fully connects and activates your energetic body with universal energy and the flow of life.