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Crystals can transform the energy in a space. Have you found that at times despite your best efforts at keeping your rooms clean and well illuminated, your spaces remain unwelcoming? Something feels off about such a space. The answer may be adding some crystals. When you feel space is always somewhat 'heavy' and never blesses you with good vibes, you should consider what energies have been released there. Arguments, stressful events, breakups, parties, death, exercise, grief and any other life events leave all manner of energies in your home. You should be eliminating such negative energies with high vibe crystals. 

Crystal healing holds that the magic of crystals derives from their structural compositions. It's believed that the energy of the crystal flows through the geometry of the stone and that different crystals produce various healing energies. Under pressure, they generate energy and we can use them to identify, raise, and direct energy to a targeted source. Crystals can be programmed "attuned" to receive, absorb, and transfer emotions. You can attune your crystal for a variety of purposes; it can promote wisdom, wellness, love, or prosperity.Before you attune your crystal, however, you have to be sure to reset its vibrations. Cleanse your crystal by washing it with water, or cleansing it with the smoke of sage or Palo Santo: Simply light your bundle of choice and pass the crystal through the smoke. You can also bury it in the soil for a while (a potted plant works) or leave it out under a full moon.

Some healers like to keep their crystals close by in a pocket or purse, while others only take them out for rituals such as full moon ceremonies. You may decide that you want to keep your crystal in one permanent location, such as on a windowsill or in the corner of a room. However you decide to engage with it, always be mindful of its radiance. Your crystals may even adopt their own personalities. This is all part of the fun, so don't be afraid to embrace these powerful properties. Though any crystal can be activated with magical intuition, over the centuries some minerals have developed strong associations with specific manifestations.

How do I select the right crystals for me?

Crystal healers often say that you don't choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you. In fact, your deep dive into crystal work begins with the selection process. If you plan to purchase your mineral in person from a crystal shop, let your intuition guide your acquisition. Walk over to the crystal and stone area, close your eyes, and run your hands over the cool, smooth forms. You don’t decide which crystals you want. The crystals decide for you.Now, consider your intention: What would you like to harness? Focusing on your manifestation, squeeze the different crystals and stones in your hand. Observe your physical and emotional sensations. Is your palm building heat? Are you feeling energized? Tranquil? Remember, there is no hierarchy of divination tools. Choose the mineral that tantalizes your soul.

All crystals have certain mystery hidden and every crystal is just unique. For beginners, below are five terrific choices to begin their journey into the magical world of crystals.

Some important crystals:

Clear quartz

Known as the "Master Healer," clear quartz is both powerful and versatile. It easily absorbs frequencies and magnifies magical intentions, so it can be used for healing or simply to increase positive vibrations. Clear quartz is also an all-purpose crystal that can be used in place of others. "Clear quartz is known as the master healer crystal. Basically, it's an all-around must-have for anyone who wants to get into crystals.



This distinctive purple crystal helps you tap into your psychic powers and access a higher state of consciousness. Additionally, amethyst offers protection by clearing negative energies from a space. Historically, amethyst is known to heal psychological pain. It's often worn over the heart during times of sadness, as a small and beautiful talisman to fight the demons of anxiety. It's also associated with psychic abilities and dreams.


rose quartz

This calming mineral symbolizes love and harmony. Rose quartz can be used for welcoming new romance or easing existing relationship trouble: Its soothing powers encourage us to open our hearts, embrace passion, and celebrate intimacy. Rose quartz is a crystal of love, and compassion, and beauty. It's also used as a crystal of grief for a loved one that has passed or maybe even during a breakup to mourn the loss of an ex-partner. While red stones usually signify carnal passion, pink stones such as rose quartz work fabulously to infuse a relationship with sweet love. Rose quartz is a wonderful crystal to work with to promote self-love and friendship.



Reiki reminds receivers to be in the present moment. The positive energy transfer allows the mind to focus on current events, not hold onto past mistakes, and not fret on anxieties about the future. This will help with accepting how life is unfolding and will help promote positive reactions to situations, people, and circumstances.


black Tourmaline

You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This kind of relaxation helps our bodies to sleep better, to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep entirely during a Reiki Session.

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